As you may have heard, the Supreme Court Of The United States just got around to re-reading the 14th Amendment and noticed that whole “equal protection under the law” thingamajig. So now gays — this writer included — can get married, our marriages are legally binding in all states, and any bans on those marriages are ruled unconstitutional.
There is a right to marriage equality!
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) June 26, 2015
Per Kennedy, J.: 14th Amend. requires granting right to SSM and recognizing SSMs performed elsewhere.
— SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) June 26, 2015
Instead of some heartfelt, mushy long read about how much this means to me and a lot of others, can we assume you already are a decent human being with empathy and already know why this is awesome news? Yeah? So, like, we can cut right to celebrating, yes? With GIFs? Lots and lots of jubilant GIFs.
We’ll be back in a bit with more fun stuff and updates as this news continues being awesome.