This past weekend, Dan Bilzerian did his best to live up to his “Instagram’s Biggest Playboy” nickname. He had dinner with some attractive ladies and shot some guns. He also made a big fuss about eating pizza on his private jet while indirectly admitting how he luxuriates off his father’s allegedly dirty money. Bilzerian had to give his photo caption a little “Earl Goodman” reference to the wild world of Dodgeball. So slick.
The difficulty with Bilzerian’s lifestyle (besides the alleged STD risk, which he comes by honestly) is how he’s very open to broadcasting his whereabouts. People can easily figure out where he’s partying down because he loves to geotag his Instagram photos. It’s much easier to find new babes when they know where you’re at, so Vegas, Italy, and New York all regularly appear on his feed. Bilzerian also enjoys posting photos of all his guns, such as this photo from inside his gun room.
Several someones noted how Bilzerian publicized last weekend’s appearance at the Electric Zoo Music Festival, where he dropped $650,000 on a VIP bracelet. These nefarious types knew Bilzerian wouldn’t be home, and TMZ reports how they broke into his Hollywood home. They headed straight towards his gun room, and the LAPD discovered evidence of tampering with the room’s door.
The intruders were reportedly thwarted by the lock and were forced to leave empty handed before authorities arrived. Bilzerian made sure to send the would-be thieves a special shoutout on Instagram. Guns:
Otherwise, Bilzerian’s life has been more of the usual cars, babes, and guns. Not necessarily in that order. Geotag on, Bilzerian!
(Via TMZ)