These Reddit Users Shared Some Deep Dark Secrets, And Man, People Are Messed Up


If you had a deep dark secret about a friend or a family member, would you share it with thousands of people on the Internet? And not just any secret, but some really awful ones, like that time you accidentally watched your uncle and aunt having sex on a kitchen table?

On Wednesday, hundreds of reddit users weighed in for a thread titled “What is a secret you know about someone that they have no idea you know about?” There are some innocent ones in there, sure. Reading a friend’s Facebook, snooping on the wife’s phone, and so on and so forth. But some of them are just downright kinky and kinda awful.

We handpicked some of the most amusing (disturbing) from the thread.


I know a friend who prostitutes secretly. I know this because I saw her going out with the “client” once in a different city, which I was visiting to pick up used furniture from a craigslist ad.

Why is “client” in quotes here? Is he the client or something?


The butcher at my old place of work likes to masturbate with random pieces of meat when he thinks he’s alone…

Here’s my problem with this “secret.” First of all, NOPE. No way, nuh-uh. This shouldn’t be a secret. At all. Someone should tell the police, and the health department and the FDA. This butcher in jail. He should be in Gitmo.


My ex female roommate liked to sneak into my room and sniff my dirty boxers. I know this because I setup a camera after I noticed things were moved around. Needless to say, awkward sex happened afterwards. But doesn’t matter, had sex.

Come on man, that’s not even a secret. You tell everyone you know that story. The best man at your wedding is gonna get super drunk and tell that to your mom in between shots of whiskey.

The invalid usr:

I know my parents had their friend steal and blow up their mustang in 1994 for insurance money. They don’t think I know.


My mom did something similar: She removed all the valuables from our house, and reported them stolen, so she could get money for crack.

Let thee who hasn’t committed insurance fraud for drugs cast the first stone.


After snooping on a co workers facebook, i found out his ex wife is married to his boss, his boss is raising his kid. The guy is a sh*t employee so i assume he only works here so his boss can get that child support.


That two of my cousins (who are siblings) are actually only half sisters. They have the same mom but different dads. Neither of them had any idea for the longest time, they may know now but I’m not sure. They both live with my aunt and uncle but the older sister was actually conceived before my aunt and uncle even started dating. She was 2-3 when they got married. The older one has blonde hair and blue eyes and the younger one (who looks like my uncle) has dark brown hair and brown eyes. They just blamed it on how the genes worked out. It’s not a huge thing at all, but it was kept a secret and I’ve known for years.

Edit: RIP my inbox….Thanks everyone for your replies! It’s really interesting to read about so many peoples’ similar situations. To everyone who is personally going through this: I wish you all the best and just remember that family isn’t necessarily dictated by blood relation. Your family is who loves you.

Ah yes, the ol’ “blame it on the genes” excuse.”


Due to some snooping through her browser history, I know that my sister likes incest porn. Luckily it only seems to be straight incest porn so I’m safe. Disturbed, but safe.



Friend of mine is into animated horse porn.

How is this a thing that exists on the Internet?


When i was 14 my Mum and Dad went on Holiday and i stayed with my Aunt and Uncle while they where away.One Friday afternoon i decided to skip school and hang out at my Uncles instead. I was in the kitchen making lunch when i heard the front door open so i hid in the pantry.The logic behind this was that either party was going to have a quick bite to eat and then head off back to there jobs. I could see my Uncle in the kitchen through a crack in the door and watched thinking he would be gone soon. A few minutes later my Aunt came in and they started kissing well one thing became another thing and my Uncle ended up having sex with my Aunt while i watched. I never told them.


I was digging through my brothers bedroom nightstand looking for rolling papers and found his stash of polaroids. It was cool at first, I ogled a few of his ex gf’s and got to see them naked. Then a nude of him appeared. He’s got a cock like a horse.

Try as I might, I cannot scrub that image from my head.

There are way too many secrets about incest on here.


My mother goes dogging in a local service station car park and has sex with multiple persons in one sitting.

Found diaries detailing the whole affair.

Yeah I’m done here.
