Listen, there’s been a lot said about how big and strong The Rock is. Yeah, he’s an action star and often plays a dude who saves people from flooded buildings which are also on fire. Yeah, he’s been in WWE. Whatever. If this guy’s so strong, then how come he just posted a video of his puppy owning him like he’s some kind of nerd?
According to Cosmopolitan, The Rock’s two puppies—Brutus and Hobbs—are huge stars in their own adorable right. Perhaps that’s what’s allowing them to think that the former wrestling star won’t give them the People’s Elbow for being jabronis and not ever listening to him. Hobbs, especially, is less-than-compliant when The Rock asks him to do something. Check out this heart-bursting video of him not moving when all his boss wants to do is take a walk.
And he’s not even excited about The Rock’s new gym! Come on, Hobbs! Get hyped!
Honestly, though, this has got to be the cutest thing on the face of this planet, right? If you thought nothing could make The Rock more lovable, you haven’t seen anything yet. (I am seriously about to go adopt 27 puppies of my own.)
(Via Cosmopolitan)