The latest CNN polling data has arrived, and Donald Trump and Ben Carson are leading the flock of GOP candidates with more than 20 percent support each. Trump’s lead has been ongoing, but Carson’s jump of eight percentage points is a new burst of support. Meanwhile, Carly Fiorina has dropped eleven points in the past month, which wipes away the recent gains made after the CNN debate. Fiorina now sits with four percent approval, which puts her in seventh place.
Carson’s unprecedented jump correlates with his recent stream of unsavory interviews and feather-rufflings across cable news networks. If Trump’s example is to be followed, GOP voters are flocking towards controversy during this race. CNN further reports that GOP voters are largely thrilled with the current crop of candidates:
The poll finds Republican voters increasingly satisfied with their field of choices, 32% say they are “very satisfied” with the group of candidates running for president, up from 23% in July. Republicans also remain more enthusiastic about the presidential race than Democratic voters. In the new poll, 68% of Republican voters say they are extremely or very enthusiastic about voting for president in next year’s election, compared with 58% among Democratic voters.
Further down the line are Jeb Bush, who recently attempted to engage Trump in a 9/11 Twitter debate, and Marco Rubio, who continues his attempted appeal towards the younger crowd with his love of rap music. Both Bush and Rubio are holding firm with eight percent support, but they stand no chance against the frontrunners.
The next GOP debate will be hosted by CNBC on October 28.
(Via CNN)