An Alt-National Parks Service Twitter Handle Is Resisting Climate Change Suppression

Although the National Park Service Twitter has been sent to Twitter purgatory by President Trump, a new Twitter account is taking up where it left off. Deeming itself the “AltUSNatParkService,” the page has adopted the mantle of its predecessor by tweeting climate change facts in direct opposition to Trump’s new policies.

The National Park Service Twitter account set the world abuzz when it defied the current administration and sent out climate change facts. Controversy arose when the account was barred from tweeting as the Trump White House looked to put the kibosh on all things climate change, including Trump reportedly telling the EPA to take information down from its site. And now, the resistance is alive and well.

The account deems itself as “The unofficial ‘resistance team of U.S. National Park Service” and is tweeting out facts similar to the ones that got the original account in hot Trump water. It’s also having a little fun thumbing their nose at the president:

It’s not known who is exactly running the account, but when Mashable reached out for clarification, the Twitter account said it was run by “several active National Park Service rangers and friends”:

The account is still going strong, with no scoldings from the White House, as of yet.

(Via Mashable)