Donald Trump Angrily Tweeted About The Appeals Court Ruling And Twitter Exploded With Jokes

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On Thursday evening, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled against Donald Trump‘s proposed Muslim ban, deeming it unconstitutional. While an appeal is likely and this case will probably go onto the Supreme Court, this is still a win for many who remember that America is a nation of immigrants. After this loss for Team Trump was announced, many wondered when (not if) the man himself would respond on Twitter, and boy, he did not disappoint. Sad!

You would think that Trump would have learned by now that when he sends off angry tweets he is only giving ammunition to the residents of Twitter dot com, but that lesson has yet to sink in. Instead, the cycle continues. Imagining Trump reading these tweets while pouting in a bathrobe makes them even better.

Also, some beautiful shade from Hillary Clinton herself. I sincerely hope that Clinton devotes some of her time to just tweet out factual, to the point interpretations of every single one of Trump’s failures.

We should probably expect Kellyanne Conway to pop in to Fox News to explain away his latest bit of unhinged tweeting within the hour, but for now, just bask in the snark.