Guy Fieri Doesn’t Understand The Difference Between Washington D.C. And Baltimore

Baltimore and Washington D.C., everybody. The concept isn’t very hard. One is a city and the other one is also a city. They’re two different places. Forty miles apart. Is there anyone out there not following this logic? OK, good. Because I have something to tell you: Guy Fieri (nee Ferry) doesn’t know the difference between Baltimore and Washington D.C.

In an interview this week with the Washington City Paper, an interviewer trips Fieri up with the trick question of what his favorite restaurant in Washington D.C. is:

We just got done shooting in Baltimore. Ironically enough, that’s been a place we’ve done a few times. Unfortunately, I’m not smart enough—no, I’m not savvy enough—to always know which one’s a D.C. and which one’s a Baltimore [restaurant], and do you call it D.C., do you call it Baltimore…

Sip & Bite over in Baltimore, we’ve been to—love that. We’ve been through G&A Restaurant [also in Baltimore]… Tune Inn restaurant, another great place. Oohh’s & Aahh’s. But I think one of my favorites—not that I want to say anybody’s a favorite over the other—Comet Ping Pong. [Ed note: all these restaurants were featured in the D.C. episode of his Food Network show Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives.

How can you “not be savvy enough” to know which city a restaurant is in? It’s either in Baltimore or it’s in D.C. Does Guy Fieri think Washington D.C. is part of Baltimore, like a neighborhood in Baltimore? Earlier in the interview he talks about going to sporting events in Baltimore and visiting the Lincoln Memorial — albeit, kind of in the same breath. Oh my god, Guy Fieri really thinks that Washington D.C. and Baltimore are the same place, doesn’t he?

On the bright side, Washington D.C. actually does have a pretty great restaurant scene, which looks like it will never be tarnished by Guy Fieri.

(Washington City Paper via Eater D.C.)