The unfortunate saga of former Subway spokesperson Jared Fogle continues, after being beaten up by a 60-year-old fellow inmate Stephen Nigg (an admittedly very tough-looking 60-year-old man); a beating which may or may not have been targeted at Fogle due to the fact that he has made quite the “teacher’s pet” in prison. Although Nigg was temporarily moved to solitary following the incident, prison officials have now determined that he would have presented an ongoing threat to Fogle and have made the decision to transfer him to another facility.
Our sources say prison officials talked to Nigg who made it clear … he would brutalize Fogle again if given the opportunity, because of his seething hatred toward child molesters.
Prison officials decided the only way to ensure Fogle’s safety was to move Nigg to an Oklahoma facility, 700 miles from the Colorado facility the former Subway spokesman calls home.
What is unclear is whether or not Nigg leaves behind any prison associates, and whether or not those associates might be not too happy that their buddy got moved to another prison. At the end of the day, prison officials can only do so much to guarantee Fogle’s safety, and it seems like eventually demobilizing threats might be not unlike playing a real-life game of whack-a-mole.
(Via TMZ)