Healthier eating is becoming more and more popular these days. Large food manufacturers are receiving more pressure from the public to stop poisoning them with weird chemicals and dyes, and start making food out of, you know, REAL food. According to Quartz, one recent example of changing old recipes to appease health-conscious consumers is coming from the Kraft Corporation, which is altering the ingredients of everyone’s favorite childhood foodstuff, Macaroni & Cheese:
Kraft announced today that it would be changing the recipe, effective January 2016, to remove artificial preservatives and synthetic colors. The company will replace them with colors from “natural sources like paprika, annatto and turmeric.”
A 2010 study also shows that Kraft may be saving the world from frenetic, lunatic children as well:
The decision also comes amid increasing scrutiny over food dyes. In a 2010 report, the Center for Science in the Public Interest found “that many of the nine currently approved dyes raise health concerns.” The dyes in Kraft’s Mac & Cheese—Yellow 5 and Yellow 6—have been linked to hyperactivity in children, the report said.
These changes will go into effect for all U.S. made Kraft Macaroni & Cheese dinners, and the Barenaked Ladies’ favorite Canadian counterpart, Kraft Dinner. According to Kraft, the iconic color and flavor will not be altered.
Now, while it would be nice to think that a large corporation might have a beating heart and only care about its customers’ well-being, it essentially still comes down to the good ol’ bottom line:
Kraft’s announcement may also help it deal with growing competition from the natural foods sector. Annie’s, which sells “totally natural” and organic macaroni and cheese, grew 20% to $204 million in the fiscal year ending March 2014…
It is a pleasant change to see food producers at least try to do the right thing and make healthier edibles for their loyal customers. But don’t fear, there will always be some sort of zombie food still available for mass consumption.
Source: Quartz