This primary season has provided a lot of young voters with their first real chance to see their optimistic support of an outsider candidate crushed by a much stronger and better-connected campaign. With the primary results in New Jersey and California making Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Party nomination almost certain, scores of Twitter users are dealing with being Nader-ed and announcing their support of Clinton. But the hashtag #GirlIGuessImWithHer proves that they are anything but happy about it.
The trending hashtag was started by user Mad Black Thot and quickly spread from there with disenchanted voters throwing up the best gifs to summarize their disappointment.
The search for real-life shruggies was on.
#GirlIGuessImWithHer pic.twitter.com/p37Y1saol0
— Black Snack Moan (@070180) June 8, 2016
Me casting my ballot in November #GirlIGuessImWithHer pic.twitter.com/PjOsbsE8xI
— Zoé (@zoevmist) June 8, 2016
More than a few folks decided that the news was more of a “dramatic eye roll” situation:
#girliguessimwithher pic.twitter.com/TN1EiorvqF
— Anna Grace (@fille_cannelle) June 8, 2016
Even Bernie Sanders got to trudging (well, kind of):
#GirlIGuessImWithHer pic.twitter.com/9kmPapkG1p
— bri 💀 (@bri_rito) June 8, 2016
Some people dealt with the news via a healthy dose of self-medication:
A few users dug in their heels, refusing to fall in line behind Clinton and using the only language the internet understands:
Me: pic.twitter.com/ulvmapeLtb— erik (@blaxkcocaine) June 8, 2016
So @HilaryClinton is about to get in by #default what a way to make #america great again #Girliguessimwithher NOT🚫 pic.twitter.com/v6inGTSwk9
— Dark ‘n’ Rebellious (@IamRebelsoul11) June 8, 2016
But if you take anything away from this hashtag, let it be this. Watch your step at the voting booth in November, the ground is going to be slick:
A visual of me leaving the voting booth after having to choose Hillary in November #GirlIGuessImWithHer pic.twitter.com/pwgmACb6F9
— aqua tofana (@bimboyugari) June 8, 2016
Me being led to the polls in November #GirlIGuessImWithHer pic.twitter.com/wPPjNj0SaU
— Ariesian Superstar 🔊💽 (@S4INTXA) June 8, 2016
Me otw to the polls in November #GirlIGuessImWithHer pic.twitter.com/2T3jgYydZI
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) June 8, 2016
#girliguessimwithher is everything we're all feeling rn. i'm way too emotional today. #BernieSanders pic.twitter.com/WaGdk2Gc85
— Jill Danielle Fisher (@JillDanielle) June 8, 2016