When news broke last night about the loss of Michelle McNamara, the wife of Patton Oswalt and notable true crime writer, it was a little difficult to wrap around. When you lose someone like Prince or David Bowie, it’s larger than life and the whole world reacts. But for someone like McNamara, that personal loss that crushes one person’s world, it is hard to wrap your head around. And it is tougher to deal with.
There are plenty pouring out support for Oswalt and the couple’s daughter Alice online right now, including those who have worked with Oswalt in the past. If there’s a bright spot through this dark moment, it’s knowing that there are people out there who are providing that kind of support.
Absolutely crushed for my friend @pattonoswalt and his daughter…my thoughts and prayers are with you.
— Kevin James (@KevinJames) April 23, 2016
All my love to @pattonoswalt and family. We love you.
— . (@WillSasso) April 23, 2016
@pattonoswalt We are so sorry for your loss. We love you and feel for you.
— Kevin Nealon (@kevin_nealon) April 23, 2016
We are sending all of our love to you @pattonoswalt.
— Mark Duplass (@MarkDuplass) April 23, 2016
Soul breaking news about @pattonoswalt's wife Michelle. I just can't imagine it. I send all my love to Patton & his daughter. So very sorry.
— Andy Kindler (@AndyKindler) April 23, 2016
We love you, @pattonoswalt.
— Nikki Glaser (@NikkiGlaser) April 23, 2016
One of my favorite dinners was with @pattonoswalt and Michelle. I felt greedy, I couldn't get enough of her stories. All my love to you
— Kristen Schaal (@kristenschaaled) April 23, 2016
@pattonoswalt my deepest condolences Patton.
— Dane Cook (@DaneCook) April 23, 2016
It can't possibly mean anything, but @pattonoswalt has a couple of people here who are sending him and his family a lot of love right now.
— Rob Thomas (@ThisIsRobThomas) April 23, 2016
If you love @pattonoswalt , now would be a good time to let him know.
— Jon Cryer (@MrJonCryer) April 23, 2016
I love you @pattonoswalt. We all do.
— billy eichner (@billyeichner) April 23, 2016
My family doesn't understand why I won't stop hugging them right now. I'll explain in a minute, but first, more. All the love @pattonoswalt.
— Colin Trevorrow (@colintrevorrow) April 23, 2016
Sending all my love and sympathies to @pattonoswalt and his family.
— Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) April 23, 2016
There’s not much else to say apart from we are sending good thoughts to Oswalt and his family. We all end up losing someone close to us in life and the best you can hope for is just knowing that someone is out there thinking about you. Really nothing else can help or make that pain go away, but it is good to know people do care.