Today’s Undertaker Rumor: He’s Totally Showing Up At Battleground

It’s been a while since we’ve had a good, solid Undertaker rumour. Now that he’s showing up all over the place looking jacked as heck, it’s time to dust off the ol’ mill and get it crankin’.

Reddit user ‘falconarrow,’ whose prediction track record boasts a number of correct spoilers, including Ryback’s IC title win, Mark Henry as Rusev’s replacement in the Elimination Chamber, Samoa Joe’s debut, and a whole bunch of other stuff, posted the following:

Now, that could mean anyone, however he responded to someone’s speculation that it’s Stone Cold with “No not him. The guy with the coffins.” Look, Steve Austin could have coffins too, we don’t know his life.

Undie has been mentioned more and more on WWE TV in the past few weeks, with a special emphasis on his relationship with Kane. Kane has been ‘sidelined’ with a broken ankle and off of television, which could just be a set-up for Kane-proper to return, either against his brother, or in his corner against someone else at SummerSlam.

We’ll have to wait until Sunday to find out, but man, if there’s one thing that’ll get people to watch a three-year-old PPV of little-to-no consequence, the dead man’s sure it.