Far too often, we have to cover the negative side of pro wrestling — injuries, surgeries, deaths, erratic behavior, Virgil trying to raise a million dollars so he can have a million dollars — so it’s nice to take a step back and recognize these guys for what they do in the community. Plus, hey, The Undertaker returned on Sunday night, so why not catch up with his brother?
Local 8 Now out of Knoxville, Tenn., has a great story up about “The Devil’s Favorite Demon” Kane’s real life as sweet-hearted dude Glenn Jacobs, a giant 300-pounder who visits sick kids in the hospital and organizes anti-bullying campaigns.
“I have faith in my fellow human beings to do the right thing, faith in the community we’ll take care of one another”, said Jacobs.
It’s Monday morning, and we’ll cover enough horrible stuff during the week, so I urge you to take a couple of minutes and watch the video. It doesn’t have the positivity of The New Day clapping for an old lady who couldn’t make it to Smackdown, but it’s close.
Also important:
“The real reason I do it is that anyone of us at any time could be in an unfortunate situation and if I were, I would hope people would help me out,” said the man also known as Kane.
Brock Lesnar broke Kane’s ankle as soon as he got back from a Hawaiian vacation, man. The least you can do is watch his video.
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