Watch The Young Bucks Superkick A Little Kid Because Wrestling Rules

Without being hyperbolic, The Young Bucks are the best tag team on the planet. They’ll beat you up, they’ll win your belts, they’ll chop their crotches while demanding that you “SUCK IT” in the wormiest way possible, and they’ll superkick your kid in the face on his birthday.

No, for real.

Young Luke was celebrating his birthday at IWL Wrestling, a Southern California independent promotion. His dad led him to the ring, and was promptly superkicked by the Bucks because that’s just what they do. This kid showed more fire than most babyfaces, but, in the end, Matt and Nick Jackson reminded us why they’re not just the best tag team out there, but also the biggest, smarmiest heels in pro wrestling.

Here it is from another angle, just because:

Happy birthday, kid.

As a kayfabe-killing reminder to everyone who will inevitably forget that pro wrestling is a controlled physical demonstration of athletic maneuvers, and that these guys are two of the safest men in the ring you could possibly think of: A) The kid is totally fine, B) we do not endorse actually kicking children in the face, and C) please do not try to kick anyone in the face for real or for jokes. Thanks.