Dean Ambrose is a popular guy, especially when it comes to social media. While his Twitter account has 324,000+ followers, there still remains a single retweet from 2012, and nothing else.
In a recent interview with the Sun, Ambrose admits that he tries not to get involved with social media:
I try not to, there’s a whole world of weirdos out there — and lots of great fans, too.
But I try to keep myself pretty closed off from the world because there’s some weird stuff out there, man. Some (weird) stuff. And I was doing some weird stuff before all that (social media) became weird stuff.
I mean, you kind of can’t blame him. While he may shy away from connecting to people on a “superficial level,” you have to admit that the former Shield member has got some of the most… interesting online fanbases in WWE. Need to see a bunch of half-naked drawings of Seth Rollins and Ambrose making out? Yeah, that’s pretty easy to find. Need to see dozens of people ripping each other apart over the idea that Renee Young isn’t good enough to date him? Oh boy, there’s an embarrassment of that on Tumblr and Twitter. Think Baron Corbin is the only one people really like thinking is a sexy werewolf? Oh my god there’s so much of that. Spoiler alert: If wrestlers as sexy lycanthropes could be monetized, it probably could’ve wiped out Greece’s debt in a week.
All of those are easily searchable, popular aspects to Ambrose’s online fandom, but trust me, as someone who likes wrestling and also has a Tumblr, it gets so much worse without even seeking it out. I’m kind of shocked every wrestler who vanity searches themselves (all of them) don’t run screaming from the internet.
So remember, kids: When you say it online, everyone can see you. Even the WWE Superstars in your sensual hurt/comfort slashfics.