Exclusive: Check Out Two Exclusive Covers Debuting On Batman Day

DC’s annual event celebrating all things Bat falls on Sept. 26 this year. DC is, as usual, pulling out all the stops: Batman artist and writers past and present will be visiting libraries, book stores and comics shops, and many retailers will be handing out copies of Batman Endgame: Special Edition #1.

The book itself has a preview of the upcoming weekly series Batman and Robin Eternal, and it’ll have variant covers for each retailer pitching in on Batman Day. In our case, DC sent along exclusive looks at the version you’ll get from Comixology:

batman day Comixology

And at Hot Topic:

batman endgame hot topic

Needless to say, that won’t be the only giveaway: DC, as we noted, enjoys going a little overboard, and there will be discounts on Batman merch. It might also be a good idea to keep an eye out on the various digital storefronts to see if there’s any fun Batman stuff; it seems likely there will be a few surprises.

That said, we’re hoping sooner or later an automaker will get in on this. Come on, every automobile engineer secretly dreams of building a Batmobile; why not let them loose? OK, maybe leave out the anti-tank weaponry and the caltrops, but we’d show up at anything where you might win a free Batmobile.

(Via DC Comics)