Daniel Bryan Talked Wanting John Cena To Turn Heel And Shared A Classic CM Punk Story

Daniel Bryan is currently in Dubai promoting the upcoming release of WWE 2K16, because I guess WWE thinks most people get their gaming news from local radio and newspaper interviews. Speaking of which, Bryan appeared on Virgin Radio Dubai and gave some surprisingly frank answers to a variety of questions, including which WWE face he’d like to turn heel.

“I wish John Cena was a heel. I would love it. When Hulk Hogan turned heel in 1996, it just turned wrestling [on its head]. It was super cool.”

Well, as long as Bryan is being a total smark and demanding a John Cena heel turn, what does he think about hardcore fan darlings The New Day?

“I like The New Day as heels, but I can’t help but love them. They’re so much fun to watch. My favorite wrestler to watch in WWE is Cesaro, but my favorite act is New Day. They’re just so much fun. I love pretty much everything they’re doing.”

Just in case the “John Cena should turn heel” answer wasn’t evidence enough that Bryan is fresh out of f*cks to give, he also, totally unprompted, told a funny story about CM Punk getting annoyed at him for missing the most obvious cue in the world.

“One time, we were in Russia, and the Wyatts were beating somebody up, and me and CM Punk ran down. We fought off whoever was down there, and he’s like, ‘Daniel Bryan, do you want to fight the Wyatts RIGHT NOW?’ and he puts the microphone up to me, and I’m, ‘Yeah!’ and he’s like, ‘You’re an idiot.’ Clearly setting me up to be ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’ I had one line, and I messed it up.”

Bryan also briefly readdressed his health and wrestling status…

“I hope so. Y’know, it’s crazy, I’ve been cleared by one doctor, who’s a neurologist for the Super Bowl, but WWE is very hesitant, because my issue is a concussion issue, which is a big deal in the sports world now. So, you have to be very cautious and hestitant in clearing me, because I have a history of concussions. Which I wrote about in the book before I ever got this last concussion, so I was, like, ‘Argh! I shouldn’t have even wrote about that!’ Stupid! I’d be ready to wrestle tomorrow if they called me and let me do it.”

Well, if he keeps going off script in these interviews, maybe WWE will decide “Daniel Bryan, company ambassador” isn’t working, and let him try wrestling again. I see what you’re doing, Daniel.

via 104.4 Virgin Radio Dubai