Dixie Carter Finally Acknowledged The Uncertainty Of TNA’s Future

It wouldn’t be a day in wrestling without someone questioning the future of TNA. People sounding the death knell for the Southern wrestling company each year is commonplace, but now more than ever, it seems the critics could be right.

Back in June, things got really real with the leak of a Destination America memo indicating that they would not be renewing their contract with TNA. It was said that the advertising revenue was simply not enough to justify production costs (like filming a professional promo in your car, I guess). Both TNA and Senior Producer/Creative/Talent Director Billy Corgan denied everything, but now they’re singing a different tune [insert Smashing Pumpkin song of choice here].

Dixie Carter and Jeff Jarrett sat down with Sports Illustrated to talk about TNA and Global Force Wrestling joining forces, but, more importantly, finally addressed their tenuous television future:

“The biggest challenge for us is building a brand in the U.S.,” said Carter, who is TNA’s president. “That’s where we need to grow. We’re contracted to Destination America through the end of the year, and we are in discussions going on for 2016.”

Of course, they also said they were ‘in discussion’ with Spike, and uhhh… well, we clearly know how that turned out.

Global Force Wrestling recently signed a deal with whatever a Boulder Creek International is to air episodes of whatever an Amped is, but there’s no word yet as to viable alternates for Impact Wrestling. Carter remains hopeful, however:

“TNA will continue exist, and on a level that far exceeds what we’re currently doing,” said Carter. “I’m looking ahead five years down the road, not a year down the road.”