World, meet Lazaro Almanaras, a championship bodybuilder who lives in London and has been fine-tuning his body since his 20s. There are two things you need to know about Almanaras immediately: One, he is more shredded than a box of mini-wheats, and two, he’s not even close to the age you’ll think he is after you see his pictures. But let’s make it a little easier: remember the part about him working out since his 20s? Yeah, Almanaras is much, much older than that now.
Check out what he looks like, via some of his Facebook photos:
Is he 40? 45? And why can’t he keep his shirt on? Can’t answer the second question—although we can all speculate—but the answer to the first is that he’s 62. 62. How many of us even looked this good at 22? Here’s what he told The Daily Mail about his philosophy (via Bro Bible):
People ask me when I’m going to retire. My response? “Never”. This is my passion and I will continue developing my body for as long as I can. I love my job, I love to train, I love competing. I’ve been doing this for 37 years and love every minute of it.’
I believe that if you have the right mind you can just carry on going and continue to get better. Age is just a number to me and I would not let my age threaten my career.
‘Age gives people an opportunity to lie back and take a step back. They will never believe how old I am when I tell them. As soon as I reveal my age they are in total shock and ask me straight away what the secret behind the body is. I just tell them determination, goals and persistence. The more active you are, the younger you will feel, it’s that easy.’
This man is a legitimate senior citizen! No judgment here (only admiration for a swole bro), but his age might explain this amazing glamour shot:
I’d print out his pictures and stick them to my refrigerator for inspiration to go to the gym this weekend, but after looking at all of those photos, I’m probably just going to throw out my refrigerator and consider never eating anything but protein powder ever again. That’s how you get ripped up like that, right?
(Via The Daily Mail, Bro Bible)