The Emmalution Comes To The Kitchen With The YouTube Cooking Show ‘Taste Of Tenille’

Pro wrestlers hosting goofy YouTube cooking shows may sound like an odd combination, but, as we’ve learned over the last year, it’s something that happens more often than you’d think. Thankfully, our latest wrestler cooking show features WWE’s Emma (real name, Tenille Dashwood) making eggs in a halter top, so after a single episode it’s already better than hobo-bearded Gene Snitsky pressure cooking pots of brown sludge or cyborg-armed John Cena hurling ham and avocado into a pile on a plate.

It should also be noted that, unlike Cena and Snitsky’s shows, Taste of Tenille isn’t sponsored by anybody. It’s purely a labor of love, so it’s hard to be too rough on it. Sure, Emma has a habit of staring awkwardly off camera, and I feel like maybe her “cheesy eggs in a ham bowl” recipe isn’t as healthy as she’s selling it as, but hey, first episode jitters, and Emma could very well have grated the cheese for her cheesy egg muffins on her own abs, so I’m willing to trust her health tips.

WWE making their wrestlers read off cue cards comes home to roost. 

I mean, c’mon, how can you not root for Emma after she makes a “I can make a mess since it’s MY HOUSE” comment, then quickly follows it up with a “Er, I mean my apartment. Whoops.” Also, she has to make a “boop” noise whenever she drops her ingredients into the muffin tins, so now I know I have at least one thing in common with Emma.

Those actually look pretty good. What kind of wrestler cooking show is this?

So yeah, unless you really have a thing for Snitsky’s giant pube beard, I’m going to call it and say Taste of Tenille is officially the best pro wrestler YouTube cooking show of ALL TIME. Now, quit stringing us along – episode 2 is the Emma-mite sandwich, right? Maybe class it up with a spicy rEMMAoulade. Basically, I’m not too worried about the recipes, as long as there’s puns. Speaking of which, maybe Emma could use a kitchen helper.

(Via Taste of Tenille)