Comics Of Note, Ranked, For October 8

It’s time for the weekly roundup of new comics. What made No. 1 in our rankings?

1.) Batman and Robin: Eternal #1

You’re best served going into this book with a passing familiarity with the latest goings on within the Batbooks, but by the mid-point as Dick Grayson is faced with Mother’s acolytes and a surprising “confession” from a holographic Batman, it becomes clear that this story is about to take us down a dark and interesting road, one that will be widely accessible to even the most absentee Batfan, with the conclusion taking us down an alley where the past is echoed and an impossible and affecting act of villainy is glimpsed. – Jason Tabrys

2.) Paper Girls #1

Brian K. Vaughan continues to be one of the best in the business with the first issue of his new series, Paper Girls. Who knew paper delivery could be so dangerous? A bunch of tough-talking preteen girls have to battle mean teenagers, cops, and something unexpected and supernatural on their route. While fans are bummed about Saga’s hiatus, Paper Girls might be just the thing to fill the void. – Alyssa Fikse

3.) Bob’s Burgers #4

This series continues to be an utter delight, serving as a seamless extension of the hilarious TV show. This issue covers three separate stories, the strongest being Tina’s erotic friend fiction version of Casablanca. Tina makes an excellent Rick, pining for “the butt that broke her heart.” The continuation of Genederella and some cursed pineapple makes this a quick and fun issue. – Alyssa Fikse

4.) Survivors’ Club #1

This new series from Vertigo has a ton of potential. Six strangers all suffered a horribly traumatic event back in 1987, and a list found on some dark corner of the Deep Web linking them leads them to believe that their past darkness wasn’t random. With a killer video game and lots of occult activity, this first issue has tons of WTF moments and causes genuine chills. A story by Lauren Beukes and Dave Halverson, with terrifying art by Ryan Kelly, Survivors’ Club is an excellent new entry into the horror genre.

5.) Doctor Strange #1

As the impending Doctor Strange movie looms large, the tale of the Sorcerer Supreme isn’t as familiar as a Steve Rogers or Tony Stark, but this new series is a great place to start. Chris Bachalo’s art is vibrant and chaotic, and Jason Aaron’s take on Stephen Strange’s characterization is cocky without going overboard. He knows his life is weird and his powers are vast, but he was also just a dude not that long ago. The ending features a creepy and unexpected creature, so the next issue will be worth tuning into, as well. – Alyssa Fikse

6.) Imperium #9

Valiant is quietly building a superhero universe that’s every bit as good as Marvel and DC’s, while feeling so much more meaningful. Joshua Dysart and CAFU continue the story of Toyo Harada, Valiant’s biggest villain, and his quest to change the world. Dysart is great at making Harada both somewhat noble in his intentions and also terrifying in the compromises he’s willing to make to get results, as all good villains are. – Leo Johnson

7.) Jughead #1

Getting Chip Zdarsky to write a Jughead book is a stroke of genius, and Erica Henderson’s art only helps to give the title that sense of goofy sense of charm that Jughead is known for. It may not end up being as lauded as Waid and Staples’ Archie, but it seems that it should both update and capture the title character every bit as effectively. – Leo Johnson

8.) Rowans Ruin #1

Rowans Ruin has a lot of potential to becoming a thrilling new entry into the horror comic genre. The story is fairly straight forward: An American girl named Katie wants to see a little bit of the world, so she does a house swap with the mysterious Emily. When she reaches the stately British home, Rowans Rise, Katie soon realizes that things are not what they seem. Mike Perkins’ art is vibrant, and Mike Carey’s story is quick moving and compelling. This issue is mostly set up, but it grabs readers right away. A definite must read for horror fans. – Alyssa Fikse

9.) Avengers #0

Much like All-New All-Different Point One, this acts as a introduction to several of the upcoming Avengers titles, giving the reader a taste of the different stories and creative teams. While some of the stories fall flat, more hit the mark, actually making me want to pick up the upcoming #1s. – Leo Johnson

10.) Invincible Iron Man #1

Tony Stark’s story is getting a reboot. While he may be reaching critical mass in the MCU, Brian Michael Bendis’ new interpretation has the potential to make Iron Man feel fresh again. With compelling artwork and the return of familiar and popular villains, this new series is one to check out. – Alyssa Fikse

11.) Amazing Spider-Man #1

Peter Parker is really into wearables and being a poor man’s Tony Stark, as Dan Slott takes Spidey global and corporate with gadgets galore. On its face, this more adult and broadly focused Spidey works, but it’s hard to not feel like, once again, the character’s soul has been suffocated in the name of a big idea and another re-numbering. – Jason Tabrys

12.) Tet #2

Paul Allor and Paul Tucker’s continuing tale of the Vietnam War and how it affects lives for years after straddles the line of war, romance, and crime comics without really being squarely in any one genre. The series continues to be a nice change of pace in genres that don’t often get that much attention. – Leo Johnson

13.) Plutona #2 

Jeff Lemire and Emi Lenox’s “Stand By Me, but with a dead superhero” book got off to a good start with the last issue. Even if this second issue is a bit slow, it ends with something that could be very big. Plus, Lenox’s art is never a disappointment. – Leo Johnson

14.) Saints #1 

It’s always interesting when successful writers from other mediums come to comics. Sean Lewis, a playwright, does a nice job with his first comic, one that sees Ben Mackey help him imagine a world where Patron Saints are reincarnated with their martyrdom as their superpower. – Leo Johnson

15.) Heroes: Vengeance #1

This basic origin story for a Daredevil/Batman-esque vigilante hero with a deep love for luchadore wrestlers and crime fighting is elevated by Rubine’s solid grasp on the human form (save for a few odd anatomical misfires) and fit for consumption, if you are completely unaware or indifferent to the world of Heroes — at least so far. – Jason Tabrys

16.) Lara Croft and the Frozen Omen #1

Lara Croft has been kicking ass for years now, and this new miniseries is the latest account of her death-defying exploits. While most of this issue is discussing the disappearance of an ancient artifact from the British Museum, by the end, a Satan worshiping cult is involved, so things are sure to pick up in the next issue. Nothing ground breaking here yet, but there is potential for an exciting second act. – Alyssa Fikse

17.) Dead Vengeance #1 

Though Bill Morrison makes a first issue that has a great premise and a fun artistic style to it, there’s so much exposition being dumped on the reader — quite literally a decade or more worth of in-story time — that most of the book is just two characters talking. While some books can pull off dialogue heavy issues, Dead Vengeance doesn’t seem to be one of them. – Leo Johnson

18.) Train Called Love #1

While this issue does make a pretty funny KKK joke (I know), the overall story is a bit lacking. Mark DeSanto’s art is fine, but uninspired. As with any first issue, it’s mostly set up, but there are plenty of WTF moments, and it will perhaps be worthwhile to see how the disparate threads eventually come together. Whether or not it is worth sticking around to see that is another story. Garth Ennis has done great work in the past, but this might not be it. – Alyssa Fikse

19.) We Stand on Guard #4

Brian K. Vaughan and Steve Skroce continue their story of the futuristic American invasion of Canada, holding up a mirror to the U.S.’s often aggressive current foreign policy. While it has some subtle commentary, it can’t help but feel like many of the characters in We Stand on Guard have yet to find their voice, something BKV is usually so skilled at doing. Still, the book is worth it just to see Skroce’s detailed machines. – Leo Johnson

20.) All New All Different Marvel Point One #1

Acting as a sort of introductory anthology to some of the new Marvel books, the story jumps around quite a bit between characters and styles. As a cohesive work, it’s functional, if not especially grabbing. As an introduction to someone who’s already interested in the new Marvel titles, it could sell them on a few. – Leo Johnson

21.) The Misadventures of Grumpy Cat (and Pokey) #1

Sorta-Garfield and Sorta-Nermal go treasure hunting in a haunted house and foil burglars while tossing shade at Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in this four-story anthology all-ages comic that throws out a line like, “Oh Pokey, you’re as gullible as I am grumpy,” and dares you to give it to your children. – Jason Tabrys