Tyler Breeze Has Apparently Moved On Up To The WWE Main Roster

Get ready to tweet your sad duck-faced selfies, because according to our sources, Tyler Breeze’s winter residence will now be WWE’s main roster.

Word is that Breeze was quietly, but officially moved to the main roster on Wednesday. He worked a dark match prior to the SmackDown tapings on Tuesday, and, believe it or not, actually won. I mean, he was facing beloved pariah Damian Sandow, but still. A win is a win is a win.

This leaves a lot of question marks in terms of what they were building towards in NXT, and where they go from there. Before his injury, Hideo Itami seemed prepped and ready to go into a full-scale feud with Breeze, something every wrestling fan should have been Mojo-level hype for. Speaking of things that every wrestling fan should love, not getting the ultimate payoff in William Regal vs. Breeze at the UK show is a thing that could technically still happen, but if it doesn’t… man, sad duck-faced selfies forever. There’s a third question mark, but it involves NXT spoilers, so we’ll be kind and let you find that out on your own.

Breeze is one of the most underrated wrestlers on NXT, with his fans more than a little salty over his constant losses, and seemingly being passed over for every shiny new small son Triple H adopts. Breeze has a very specific gimmick that more than works in NXT, but the average Raw audiences are also… we’ll say, not as receptive as their NXT counterparts. It’ll be interesting to see if Breeze’s magic gets over, or he’ll be reduced to coded language and outright gay jokes because, you know, Raw.

As a suggestion, should Stardust ever decide to return to Earth, Dashing Cody Rhodes and Tyler Breeze is a tag team I suddenly want more than almost anything else I’ve ever wanted. And listen, I say this as someone who wants Breeze vs. Regal in the worst way. Ooof. Let’s start small and just hope for nice things for Prince Pretty, I guess.