WWE Might Be Trying To Keep Alberto Del Rio From From Dropping His AAA Championship

So, we’ve all seen Del Rio’s return to WWE, and speculated that his partnership with the ultra-conservative Zeb Colter is just one great big metaphor for De Rio’s ability to successfully work with weird old racist white dudes. Now that Randy Orton will be out for four to six months because he jobbed to a bag of trash, Del Rio has replaced him on the upcoming WWE European tour, and everything seems to be peachy keen.

Well, unless you’re AAA, that is. The Mexican promotion was Del Rio’s home base after less than gracefully parting ways with WWE, and despite re-signing with WWE, continues to hold their Mega Championship, the highest belt in the company. AAA’s president has remained vague on any plans for Del Rio and their title, though he was advertised for their show on November 2, Del Rio was committed to Raw that night, the SmackDown taping the next day, and is now headed to Europe. The AAA show was updated accordingly:

Word coming out of WWE from various sources — including Dave Meltzer — is that Del Rio won’t be headed back to Mexico anytime soon. Rumor has it that now Del Rio is back, and Vince McMahon doesn’t want him losing a championship in another company. A loose partnership between WWE and AAA has also been speculated for the last little while, but with AAA not getting a chance to take their belt back, it could significantly damage an already tenuous relationship.

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