WWE Diva Eva Marie Wants This Escort Service To Stop Making People Think She Works For Them

NXT Diva Eva Marie is currently threatening to sue an Inland Empire ‘massage parlour’ for using her photo to advertise their services. Of course by ‘massage parlour,’ we mean that in an effort to find their website, I’ve probably gotten myself on a boatload of watchlists, and have learned all sorts of new and fun ways to insinuate having sex without outright saying it. I can’t ever say this job doesn’t teach me new things every day.

According to Ryan Satin (former TMZ fellow and guy who shares like half of my wardrobe) over at prowrestlingsheet.com, Eva Marie definitely wants Candy’s Therapy to stop making people think she’s a naughty Latina between he ages of 25 and 29 with a beautiful smile who will treat you like a king. Her lawyers have sent the following cease and desist to the Colton, California company:

We represent Natalie Eva Marie, a world known celebrity and WWE Diva. It has come to our attention that you without right, license, permission or legitimate interest are using the likeness of our client Natalie Eva Marie and potentially other unknown materials on your website.

Should the company fail to take down the ad, Eva Marie will be forced to take further legal action. Man, c’mon, Candy. This is so not dope.