Stone Cold Steve Austin Thinks WWE Isn’t Helping Cesaro At All

Stone Cold Steve Austin showed a whole lot of cue ball solidarity on the most recent episode of The Steve Austin Show: Unleashed!, expressing his frustration with Cesaro’s current position in WWE:

“I think the guy is just so damn good in the ring. I see eventually he will put all the pieces together, but [WWE is] not helping him any. He’s got to put the pieces together to go up on top of the card. Cesaro you have hopes for because he can do so much; he looks so good. He only speaks 17 languages! He can go all over the world and promote… so there’s got to be a way to get this guy figured in a little more and get his ass over.”

Now, not to have a total Taz moment over here, but I do get a little suspicious of former WWE wrestlers expressing their heartfelt opinions to put over someone WWE is seemingly “keeping down,” but I won’t give that too much thought because realistically he’s totally right. When told that Cesaro would be facing Roman Reigns in the championship tournament, his response of “oh jeez, you know where that’s going!” is… pretty much the universal response that got, whether you’re #TeamHandsomePrince or #TeamAnyoneButThatWetGuy. While Reigns is the clear heir apparent, WWE has a great opportunity to do a hard reset on things going forward, so maybe by WrestleMania, we’ll see them pay a little more attention to the ones actually getting over organically.

Or he’ll wrestle R-Truth on the pre-show while we all weep into our homemade ‘Cesaro Section’ signs, whatevs.

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