Porn Addict Caught Breaking Into Houses To View Porn

Many wonder if they have a problem when they watch the smut the Internet was built on and are curious where the line is. When you need to break into other people’s houses to view porn, you’ve probably found it.

Antone Lewis is the pioneer who discovered this line. For the last couple of months in Oregon, he’s been going around and breaking into people’s houses solely to look at porn. He’s one of the few break-in artists who leaves something behind.

And that’s what caught him: Lewis left some… er… material at the scene.

He was caught after giving a voluntary DNA sample, which was then matched with material left at the scene of one of the alleged break-ins. Police are still reportedly seeking more people around Friendly Street whose computers might have been invaded.

“Police first began to suspect Lewis when he enthusiastically offered several samples on the spot” is sadly not a part of any report we could find.

Lewis has been arrested and faces four counts of breaking and entering as well as a few other miscellaneous charges. Unless he’s planning on arguing he has a porn-addicted evil twin, he’s probably facing some sort of sentencing.

Really, the moral of the story here is that if you’re thinking about committing crimes to get your fix, of anything, please seek help from a mental health professional. Failing that, at least clean up after yourself because, really, gross.

image courtesy KVAL