WWE Superstar John Cena Was The Second-Most Searched For GIF Of 2015

What’s the matter, John? You couldn’t be number one? You know, they say second GIF is first loser (they don’t, nobody says that, literally ever). WWE’s most popular neon-clad Superstar is known for always winning everything…basically ever, but he just couldn’t seem to pull out another victory in Google’s year end round ups.

Google Trends has released their Year In Search 2015 charts, breaking down and ranking the most popular searched terms in a variety of categories. So, for instance, if you searched ‘bald eagle selfie,’ you helped make it the fourth-most searched selfie of the year. If you searched ‘How to do the Kylie Jenner lip challenge,’ you made it the top searched term in the beauty category, and have probably made some monumentally stupid life choices this year. Poor John Cena can rise above hate, but he can’t rise above the amount of people searching for inspirational Shia LaBeouf ‘Just Do It’ GIFs:

google trends gifs

The ever popular Unexpected John Cena meme did not help him top the list for most searched memes (that honor goes to Pepe), nor was he categorized in the most searched athletes of 2015. John Cena Pepe? Well, I dunno if I’d call that a win. For anyone, really:

john cena pepe