Treat Yo Self To These 5 Wrestling-Themed Gifts If Santa Doesn’t Come Through This Year

del rio santa raw

Now, I may not be well-versed in Christmas, its traditions, or why you need so many maids a milking, but I do know that whatever the gift-giving occasion is, you’re probably going to get a dud or two. So, what do you do when Santa or your relatives who don’t believe in gift cards miss that one thing you really wanted?

treat yo self

The good news is these are great any time of year, and you should probably just grab ’em whether you got what you asked for or not. So, save your pennies (unless your country doesn’t believe in them anymore), and treat yo self with this fun pro wrestling stuff.

roh colouring books

1. The Ring of Honor Coloring Book

Adult coloring books are all the rage these days, as is the vitriol towards the very idea of ‘adult coloring books.’ The good news is whether you feel like connecting with your inner child or not, the Ring of Honor coloring book is freakin’ gorgeous.. The book was designed by @punkrockbgmouth, whose wrestling fan art makes me a little weak in the knees. Also, look at this glorious Dalton Castle page:

How do you not wanna get in on that?

2. Lucha Underground Swag

What better way to look way cool and hip to a very small percentage of people you’ll see in public than by supporting the best wrestling show currently on television? Sadly there’s no Pentagon, Jr. shirt available, but all of the designs are aces. I mean, this Mil Muertes shirt? *kisses fingers*

macho man betty turbo

3. Betty Turbo Artwork

Okay, I know we’ve featured Betty Turbo in these parts before, but all of her stuff is just so dang good. The illustrator mashes together pro wrestlers and junk food and sometimes puns, so, I mean, how could we not continually point out how great all of this stuff is?


4. Comics! As Many Comics As You Can Handle!

Be it the crazy talented group of folks behind the Muscle Temple Kickstarter, or Joe Keatinge and Nick Barber absolutely nailing it right out of the gate with RINGSIDE, 2015 was a great year for pro wrestling and comics. While you’re at it, check out that Box Brown Andre the Giant graphic novel we never shut up about, or Kyle Stark’s The Legend of Ricky Thunder. Stark’s Sexcastle is barely related to wrestling beyond the protagonist’s name, but it’s also very, very good and winning praise all over the place. I once gave it as a gift to a World Heavyweight Champion, so, I mean, we can count that as a wrestling connection, too, right?

new day socks

5. New Day Socks

I don’t have ’em. I want ’em. We should all own them, probably.

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