The Rock Is Going To Watch Lucha Underground, So Be Like The Rock

"This Marty the Moth is DELIGHTFUL!"
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"This Marty the Moth is DELIGHTFUL!"

Here’s something to add to the list of New Year’s resolutions inspired by The Rock.

El Rey Network’s Lucha Underground returns next week, and the job of the show’s supporters is to get as many eyes on it as possible. The good word of mouth continues to spread, and some of wrestling’s biggest names are starting to come around and give the show a chance. Rey Mysterio recently mentioned that Stone Cold Steve Austin is a fan of the show, and now a Twitter conversation has got the world’s biggest international movie star dropping compliments.

Pro wrestler Ricochet (who looks an awful lot like that Prince Puma cat on Lucha) tweeted at The Rock, saying, “Hey @TheRock. What are you doing next Wed? You should check out @LuchaElRey on the @Elreynetwork. Starts at 8/7c.” Rock responded, indirectly called the show “dope” and probably put more eyes on the name “Lucha Underground” in one passing tweet than in an entire season of top-shelf programming. Hey, whatever works!

So yeah, in 2016, you need to be like The Rock. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re buds with Robert Rodriguez, watch the show next week and help the best wrestling thing on television be popular enough to stay on television. Watch it online, tell people about it, whatever. Smell what they’re cooking. Whatever catchphrase gets you there.