The ‘Hookers For Hillary’ Campaign Picks Up Steam Ahead Of The Nevada Caucuses

The close competition between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton grows even tighter ahead of next week’s Nevada Caucuses. The latest poll numbers show 48 percent in favor of Clinton with 47 percent going to the Bern, so this could go either way. Will the two candidates end up in another “virtual tie” (as with the Iowa Caucuses) or will Sanders prevail with a landslide win to cap off his recent New Hampshire victory? This will probably be an insanely close race.

If one group of ladies has their way, Clinton shall prevail. The self-dubbed “Hookers for Hillary” announced their presence as soon as Clinton entered the race, and their initiative is picking up momentum. This group, which is made up of legal prostitutes in Nevada, is the brainchild of the Bunny Ranch and its owner, Dennis Hof. Despite the ranch’s allegedly “ominous” reputation, these ladies are a socially active bunch. They’ve received widespread media coverage as their initiative grows, and the Hookers For Hillary website spreads their message. The women spoke in a promotional video about why they support Clinton’s stances on domestic violence, income inequality, health-care reform and foreign policy.

Something tells me these ladies won’t welcome the Bernie Bros (who Sanders does not welcome either) into the ranch, which is said to be hopping in anticipate of the Nevada caucuses. Hof sat down with The Guardian to reveal his mutually beneficial endorsement of Clinton:

Hof, who owns the Bunny Ranch and six other legal brothels in Nevada, is blunt about the kinds of things that help an age-old business under pressure from high-tech rivals: Pimpin’ for Paul. Hookers for Hillary. And the exploits of Lamar Odom, the NBA star found unconscious in October at a Hof hotspot in southern Nevada.

“It was terrible for him,” the stocky star of the HBO reality show Cathouse said, “but it put me on media worldwide. It happened nine and a half months into the year, but it was still the No 1 Google-searched item of the year. Even more than Caitlyn Jenner.” Politics, Hof says, have been just as beneficial for the Moonlite Bunny Ranch.

On the less jaded side of things, several prostitutes take Clinton’s campaign points seriously and not as a matter of public relations. They speak of the outrageously high cost of health insurance and the income equality that pushed them to pursue brothel life. While they are quick to say they don’t feel degraded by being paid for sex, they note that the existing status quo makes it difficult to support a family by working full-time hours elsewhere.

Not all of the Bunny Ranch women are into Clinton. One lady adheres to Team Sanders because of his stance on legalizing recreational marijuana, but more serious issues stick out among the discussion. Some women tell harrowing tales of domestic violence (“black eyes, fractured ribs”), which they feel can best be addressed by Clinton’s platform. Ultimately, one woman says, “We’re helping Hillary and we’re helping ourselves. Women should help other women, right?” Indeed, such a mutually beneficial relationship could push Clinton to victory in Nevada.

(Via, The Guardian and USA Today)