Cesaro’s In-Ring Return Has Been Announced, So Get Excited

A lot of pro wrestlers have gotten hurt in the last year — our Uproxx tag page for “injuries” is almost entirely WWE stars — but one of the most painful was the loss of the “Swiss Superman” Cesaro. Back in November, just when it seemed like WWE realized what a goldmine he was, he went down with a shoulder injury. His recovery time was announced as four to six months. The good news? That was four months ago.

Per the official WWE Netherlands Twitter account, Cesaro is returning to action during the WrestleMania Revenge tour in Europe next month. That’s April 15 in Amsterdam at the Ziggo Dome.

That’s the week after WrestleMania, it should be noted. Cesaro’s done numerous interviews about how sad he is that he’s missing WWE’s biggest show of the year, but if he’s stepping back into the ring that soon after, maybe we’ll get a surprise return at Mania? Maybe he’ll show up the next night on Raw? I’ll be honest, there aren’t many things that’d make me happier on a post-WrestleMania Raw than Cesaro showing up, spinning somebody a hundred times and stepping into his rightful place as main-event WWE talent.

If none of that happens and he just returns on the European tour, we’ll take it. Cesaro being back is one of the best things that could happen right now.

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