This New Clip From WWE Studios’ ‘Countdown’ Finally Explains Why Rusev Has A Gun

ziggler rusev GUN

In case you missed the trailer and description for With Spandex’s official new favorite movie Countdown, you would have missed a) them declaring that Ziggler’s character is “ON THE ROPES AND RUNNING OUT OF TIME,” and b) Rusev in full wrestling gear (so…trunks) getting a gun superkicked out of his hands by Ziggler. Needless to say all of this led to us losing our damn minds.

But uh, hold up — why does Rusev have a gun in the first place? Is he a bad guy? Is he an undercover cop who doesn’t know Ziggler’s a police officer? Why can’t we watch this whole movie right now? We have so many questions.

Luckily we get an answer to most of these, because this newly released clip explains exactly why Rusev had the gun in the first place:

I guess that also partially explains the infamous abortive love quadrangle between Rusev, Lana, Dolph, and Summer Rae on WWE Raw. Though, really, by definition wouldn’t a dude checking a stranger with a gun into a wall so hard it breaks, then using the potential threat’s own gun against him in an attempt to save the lives of those around him make him a ‘real man’? Oh, masculinity. What a self-negating, fragile social construct you are.