Sarah Palin Believes This Bizarre Hunting Photo Will Help Donald Trump At The Polls

sarah palin wisconsin
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It has been solidly established at this point in her political career that sometimes Sarah Palin makes no sense. It might not be completely her fault as that much political success in a short span of time, followed immediately by some family drama and a resignation from government office, would make anybody a little eager to give crazy speeches and post errantly on Facebook. First there was the endorsement speech that helped truly launch the Trump campaign into the circus it is, and most recently a rambling speech at a campaign event that literally no one reacted to until they absolutely had to do so.

Now, Palin has posted a photo of herself with a hunting trophy and a humongous gun on her Facebook page in support of the GOP frontrunner. In it, she says some partly nonsensical things to get people to vote for Trump. These include but are not limited to making “commonsense” one word, blaming the “establishment’s agenda” for Obama winning Wisconsin in 2012, and revealing that the gun range where she did a meet and greet in Wisconsin is called “Zingers and Flingers”. Yes, let that last detail sit with you for a moment. Zingers and Flingers is the actual name of an actual gun range in the state of Wisconsin. It’s not surprising necessarily, but definitely instills a weird feeling in you knowing that such a place truly exists in the world and is being used for political events.

Read the full post below and judge for yourself on whether it’s a savvy post speaking directly to the Trump voter base or a random collection of thoughts put together with “Zingers and Flingers” thrown in at the end.