‘Gears Of War 4’ Gets A World Premiere During ‘Fear The Walking Dead’ And Teases A New Conflict

The Gears of War franchise began ten years ago on the Xbox 360, telling the story of Marcus Fenix and his team fighting for humanity’s survival in a terribly bleak future. The first three Gears of War games focused on Fenix’s struggles, but the upcoming Gears of War 4 is set 25 years in the future and a new Fenix is standing up for humanity. Marcus Fenix is now immortalized in statue form and his son, JD Fenix, is tasked with picking up where his father left off at being a bad ass. But it probably won’t be all cake and chainsaw guns for JD Fenix, he’s literally standing in the long shadow of his father.


The good news for fans is that the formal reveal for Gears of War 4 is set for April 10th at 9pm Eastern on AMC during the season premiere of Fear the Walking Dead. It’s safe to assume that Microsoft is going to drop at least a pretty cool Gears of War 4 trailer during Fear the Walking Dead. There is also a new sneak peek at the upcoming AMC series Preacher set for the debut of Fear the Walking Dead as well, meaning that while consuming the latest in zombie survival television viewers will be in for a whole lot of geeky goodness.

(Via Kotaku)