Facebook Is Considering A ‘Tip Jar’ So People Can Pay Each Other For Posts

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Have you ever thought a Facebook post was so good that you should get paid for it? Well, that might soon be a possibility. Along with a whole raft of other profit-generating options, Facebook is considering a “tip jar” that would allow users to reward quality content.

Facebook doesn’t currently have ways for users to monetize their posts. Unlike a platform like YouTube, people drawing in tons of views don’t see any sort of cut of advertising revenue. But if a recent user survey is any indication, Facebook is looking to change that.

The survey asks for ways in which users would like earn money using their “personal presence” and includes options like the tip jar, a donation option, a call to action button (i.e. “Sign Up Now!”), or ad-revenue sharing.

Of course, all of this could merely be market research, more stuff for Facebook to add to the insane trove of data it already has. But given recent spend-y moves by Facebook, this looks unlikely.

Facebook has proven willing to pay for content in recent months. To help get the upper-hand on apps like Periscope, the company has paid content creators to use its live-streaming platform. It appears they are looking to expand that to regular posts and other content as well.

(Via The Verge)