A ‘Pokemon Go’ Player Survived A Stabbing In His Quest To Catch Them All


Pokémon Go, the augmented reality phone app, has only been out a week and we’ve already seen people do really crazy things in their quest to become the next Master. We’ve seen players spot murder suspects, get robbed at gunpoint, discover dead bodies, and even catch cheating boyfriends. Well, one Oregon man just might be winning the battle to catch them all. He almost died doing it.

Forest Park resident Michael Baker was stabbed while playing Pokémon Go around town early Monday morning. The 21-year-old told his local Fox station that while searching for his next target, he came across a man he thought was doing the same thing. So he thought, why not battle? According to Baker, the man took it literally. Instead of pulling out his Bulbasaur, he whipped out a knife and stabbed Baker in the shoulder.

It must’ve not been that bad, though, because Baker refused hospital treatment so he could head to the Plaid Pantry and continue his mission for chips and beer. He’s since gotten eight stitches in his shoulder.

“Gotta be the first one to catch them all,” he said.

Police haven’t released any information about the suspect, except to point out that the stabbing probably wasn’t Pokémon related.

(via The Telegraph)