Kevin Nash Is Just Fine With The Club Using The ‘Too Sweet’ Hand Gesture

Anyone who’s familiar with independent wrestling or New Japan’s Bullet Club — or WWE’s The Club faction — is well aware of the ubiquitousness of the “Too Sweet” hand gesture over the past couple years. Various members of the Bullet Club — particularly the Young Bucks, who even sell “Too Sweet” foam hands — perform the salute incessantly.

Of course, the “Too Sweet” gesture originated with the notorious Kliq of Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Scott Hall and X-Pac, who brought the salute to WWF and WCW television in the late 1990s and it became a quasi-official part of the nWo stable. Sports Illustrated recently spoke to WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash about The Club bringing the hand gesture to WWE television once again. Perhaps not surprisingly, Nash gave them his blessing.

“If you’re over enough to use that and the people don’t sh– on you, you’re over,” said Nash. “I don’t mind it at all. I just didn’t like them bringing in Doc and Anderson, then having that six-man elimination match [against Roman Reigns and The Usos]. There is no reason to beat those two guys coming in the door. You’re missing heel talent and you’re going to beat these two guys? But they corrected it.

“It’s almost like, ‘No one can get over you except us,’ even though you were over someplace else. They make the reference to AJ like he was a Japan guy–he was a TNA guy. He was in Japan for like a year. And the thing is, he’s tearing the TV up.”

Nash retains his crown as one of the chillest wrestlers in the business, past or present. Making a whole hell of a lot of money over the course of your career will tend to do that, I suppose. So there you have it, everyone. Feel free to continue “Too Sweet”ing with impunity.

Nash covered a lot of other topics in his SI interview, including how he sees all three former members of the Shield as the future of the business. Head over to Sports Illustrated to check it out.