Despite the fact that Warner Bros. is peppering us with trailers and hints, there’s a lot we don’t know about what will happen in Suicide Squad. But there’s one newly revealed cameo that, in retrospect, should have been glaringly obvious. Spoilers below!
Seriously, this is a pretty easy spoiler to guess, but if you really want to remain unspoiled, or don’t know comic books that well, be like the wind in Harley’s hair and float through to another part of the internet.
Still here? Okay, well, as we all know, Captain Boomerang is in this movie, and appears to be a bit nuttier than his comics incarnation, what with his love of fuzzy unicorn and fits of violence. But one thing that hasn’t changed is his time honored tendency to run away from a fight and watch it from a distance while enjoying a beer, or, for that matter, who drags him to Belle Reve in the first place.
Yep, Ezra Miller’s Flash will be making a cameo, according to the movie’s cast list. As noted, it’s by order of appearance, so Miller will likely be turning up early on to pummel Boomerang and leave him for the police. Really, though, if he has a bigger role, we won’t complain. We’ll take all the Flash we can get.
(Via io9)