Nothing Is More Glorious Than Bobby Roode’s WWE NXT Theme Mashed Up With ‘Arthur’

By now, you’re probably aware that Bobby Roode’s new theme song is the best thing in wrestling. It’s already inspired the #GloriousBomb meme and was one of the highlights of TakeOver: Brooklyn II. Now the sheer … gloriousness of it all has come face to face with another meme that’s sweeping the internet: the children’s show Arthur.

The above video is probably one of the most perfect mash-ups that has ever been created. I mean, it’s pretty much exactly what every single wrestling fan experienced the first time they heard Roode’s new theme. Look at this:

That was you. That was me. That was us, collectively. It’s hard to describe just how good that theme song is, but that one image sure comes close.

We can shut it all down from here, because that’s unlikely to be topped any time soon. Someone else did try, though, as they took the old “Hank Hill listens to music” clip and dropped “Glorious” right in there.

It works pretty well, but it honestly can’t hold a candle to the Arthur clip. Let’s just make sure that everyone starts mashing up theme songs and old cartoons at a breakneck pace, because I honestly just need more of this in my life.