On Sunday night, while Becky Lynch was becoming the first-ever WWE Smackdown Women’s Champion, the Arizona Cardinals were paying tribute to her in a very interesting way. After Larry Fitzgerald scored a touchdown in the Cardinals’ home opener in Glendale, the stadium speakers blared her theme music … which TOTALLY RULES, by the way.
According to Wreddit, this isn’t the first time this month that the Cardinals have used Becky’s theme as a celebration. During a preseason game on September 1, they played her theme every time the Cardinals scored an extra point or field goal. BECAUSE SHE’S A LASS KICKER, I DEARLY HOPE IS THE JOKE.
Also in that Wreddit comment thread, the Washington Capitals use her theme for home team power plays. This is completely awesome and I dearly hope it becomes a thing, because there is no wrestling theme more suited to sports celebration. And also because any instant of my life where music that isn’t “Seven Nation Army” plays is a gift from on high.
If you somehow don’t bump Becky’s theme all day long or listen to it while working out or whatever, do yourself a favor and remedy that. It’s easily one of the five best themes in all of pro wrestling anywhere in the world right now: