‘The Daily Show’ Pits Trump Against Himself Following His Week Of Damage Control

The Daily Show got back to basics on Monday by using their powers of video discovery to pull up some old clips in order to catch a target red-handed with their own words. And given their target being Donald Trump once again, the wealth of the video evidence against him is mountainous — we are talking his taxes, thoughts on women, and insensitive racial commentary after all.

When something like Trump’s tax antics comes up over a weekend, you know it’s going to be a hot topic for all of late night to chew on. For Trevor Noah, it’s an excuse to show that Trump not only dumped on the very same activity he was reportedly using in 1995, but it also allows the show to report how Trump and his crew of flunkies are attempting to polish it up into a positive. It all leads Noah to speculate that there might be an ulterior motive for Trump with all of this tax mess, extending to the other topics he’s been taking a lot of heat for over the course of his campaign.

Yeah, Trump is using every tax loophole that he can, but he’s only doing it to highlight the problems with our tax laws. He might be railing hard on women and taking issue with their weight over the years, but he’s exposing a problem for all of America. And sure, some of the stuff he’s saying is a little racist in its tone, but he’s only doing it to expose all of those horrible racists that came out of the woodwork to support him.

That’s gotta be it and not — as Noah says — because “he’s a petty, attention seeking conman whose temper, ignorance, and narcissism will destroy us all.”

(Via The Daily Show)