Bret Hart Publicly Apologizes To Michael Hayes, Seth Rollins And Triple H For His Comments

Bret Hart has been in the wrestling news as of late because of all the relentless sh*t he’s been talking about pretty much everyone. He ran down the accomplishments and ability of Triple H, called Seth Rollins an unsafe worker several times over, and most recently ran down Michael Hayes and the Fabulous Freebirds, saying they never contributed anything to wrestling history. Basically, he’s been busy getting all these knives out. But in a sudden reversal, he is now owning up to his negativity and trying to bury the hatcher with everyone in one fell swoop.

On Thursday, Hart took to his Facebook page to issue a thorough and heartfelt apology to Hayes, and seems like he’s really had time to reflect and think things through. While he was at it, he offered an apology to Triple H and Seth Rollins for his “hurtful comments.” This section, in particular, is far more introspective and thoroughly apologetic than just about any statement you’ll see from any professional athlete:

The reality of all this is the reason I quit doing podcasts in general, because they’re for the most part an outlet for negativity, and have left me with a reputation as being angry and bitter. I’m not, I’d spoke candidly and openly but it’s no excuse for minimizing other wrestlers or their contributions.

You can read Hart’s full post and comments below.

He does close by insisting that there are a great many deserving wrestlers who belong in the WWE Hall of Fame and have not yet been inducted, because … reasons. He specifically named Jim Neidhart, Owen Hart, Brian Pillman, Davey Boy Smith, The Dynamite Kid, Jimmy Hart, The Rougeau Brothers, The Killer Bees, The Demolition, Rick Rude, King Kong Bundy, and One Man Gang. Many of those names are undeniably deserving of inclusion in the Hall of Fame … especially when you consider some of the somewhat questionable names that have already made it in.

And for whatever it’s worth, Hayes has already seen and accepted Bret’s apology.

Is this the beginning of a kinder, gentler Hitman? Let’s stay tuned and find out.