Sean Hannity Is ‘Pissed’ That Trump Might Lose Utah To A Third Party Candidate

Sean Hannity’s gone to great lengths as a shouty Donald Trump superfan. He’s fueled conspiracy theories while interviewing a man who calls himself a Clinton “fixer” and gamely justified Trump’s lewd hot-mic conversation with a King David analogy. But perhaps these efforts were futile because Trump could actually lose the state of Utah to third-party candidate Evan McMullin. Hannity is so “pissed” about this prospect that he devoted a few minutes of his radio show to shouting, “I’m pissed!”

McMullin is the anti-Trump, conservative Republican who announced an Independent bid in August. The former CIA agent made national waves for about eight hours and then quietly slipped back into relative obscurity. There, he set his sights upon capturing largely Mormon Utah. That’s his primary goal, along with creating a “new conservative movement” and helping the GOP recover from the Trump embarrassment. McMullin turned Utah — which isn’t thrilled about either major party candidate — into a battleground state, and 13 days from the election, Hannity isn’t handling it well:

“I’m pissed! Who’s this idiot that’s running third party that’s killing Trump out in Utah. Who put him up? What was it? The Bush people? The Romney people? Seriously? Really? You’re going to elect Hillary because we lose Utah? What a disaster that would be for the country. All this garbage from you Never Trumper jerks out there … I’ve had it! By the way, that’s more unfinished business. November 9th, I have a lot to say about all of you.”

McMullin landed on the ballot in a mere eleven states, but he’s surging in Utah and could potentially topple Trump. As Hannity realizes, every red state is crucial for a Trump win when the electoral map already doesn’t look so hot for him. Watch out, Never Trumpers. Sean Hannity is vowing to reserve “unfinished business” with you.

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