DC Comics This Week: The Reviews

DC’s review copies came a bit late, hence my reviews are a bit late. Nonetheless, here they are!

Batman And Red Robin #19

The cover is a fake-out, if we’re being honest here, and it’s too bad, because Peter Tomasi’s story here is actually much better than the cover would indicate. Batman never handles grief well, but here he takes it… particularly bad, let’s just say. Helping is Pat Gleason and Mick Gray on art, Gray’s inks in particular shining as he goes from college dorm to Castle Frankenstein smoothly and easily.

Batman #19

While I don’t want to ruin this issue for those who haven’t read it, you’ll probably guess the villain in the first few pages. Truthfully it’s a classic setup that we’ve seen in Batman comics, but the same was true with Court of Owls, and I trust Scott Snyder to take it someplace new.

Also, Greg Capullo continues to surprise with how he can take Batman villains and make them something… scarier. And that’s all we’ll say.

Constantine #2

This book continues to be a statement of purpose. Particularly interesting is how Ray Fawkes and Jeff Lemire establish that Constantine is a bastard while making it clear that he’s also a hero. Also, they write a mean Spectre, it must be said.

Renato Guedes actually gets more opportunity to shine in this book, and Marcelo Maiolo does quite a good job with the colors as well. Between the two of them they elevate the book a bit. All in all, this series is growing on me from a solid start.

Green Lantern Corps #19

Another plot issue in the Wrath of the First Lantern arc, but, hey, it features a massive Lantern doppelganger brawl on the surface of Mogo, with art from Fernando Pasarin and Scott Hanna. And who doesn’t enjoy a massive superhero fight?

Batgirl #19

If I’m being honest, Gail Simone kind of phones this one in. Everything about this issue feels a bit shopworn. Similarly, although Babs’ roommate being transgendered is something Simone will likely pay off down the road, it feels a bit shoehorned in here. But Daniel Sampere and his inking team do a great job with the art, and Blond does a lovely job with the colors, so at least it’s pretty to look at.

Saucer Country #14

And unfortunately, this book gets wrapped up in a bit of a rush. Paul Cornell focuses more on political content than anything else, and Ryan Kelly’s art feels a bit rushed as well. It at least ties off a few loose ends, but one hopes Vertigo comes back to this series eventually.