Teenagers Are Licking Each Other’s Eyeballs And Spreading Pink Eye Because Teenagers Are Disgusting

So, this is a thing that’s happening. Teenagers in Japan have started a new trend of licking each other’s eyeballs because humans are running out of orifices to stick things in.

Yes, middle school kids are wearing eyepatches to school because the trend is causing pink eye. Just, here, I can’t write any more about this right now:

One of the accounts in the Naver Matome post was from a Japanese middle school teacher, who detailed how he had noticed an increasing number of styes among his students. At one point, he said up to 10 children in the same classroom were wearing eye patches to school.

The teacher said he finally understood the reason for the rise in eye problems, when he witnessed a male student licking a female student’s eye in the school’s gymnasium. After yelling at them to stop, the couple explained to the teacher that they had recently started dating and wanted to move beyond just kissing. They also explained the act had become popular among their classmates.

So yeah, if you’re reading this and eating then sorry for what is happening to your stomach right now. If you look long and hard enough, you can find videos of kids licking eyeballs but you won’t see it here because seriously. It’s only a matter of time before kids start wearing eye condoms to protect themselves from pinkeye.