‘Shameless’ – ‘Summertime’: The running woman

I posted my review of the early part of “Shameless” season 2 earlier this week. Now it’s your turn. How did you feel about the shift from winter into summer? Were any of the 5 fans of “Lone Star” happy to see James Wolk? Did you miss Steve? Did Frank reach a new low with what happened with Liam? And would you, like me, not object to an ongoing story arc where Fiona returns to track & field full-time? 

In terms of ongoing coverage plans, my feeling from last year and from what I saw of these first four episodes is that “Shameless” is a show better served by me dipping in and out on and only writing something if an episode is notably different from the ones before or after. That said, I’m going to be watching the whole season, so I may do weekly (or bi-weekly) open threads for the episodes, depending on the level of interest.

What did everybody else think of the premiere?