You’re welcome: Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster takes on ‘Call Me Maybe’

This is an entertainment news site, and new ‘Call Me Maybe’ covers and parodies is no new news. But sometimes something so momentous and earth-jolting happens, that our hand is forced, in order to give you what it is that you needed.

And what you needed was a version of Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe,” as performed by “Sesame Street” star Cookie Monster in revamp “Share It Maybe.’ We heard your halcyon cry. We answer it.

“Hey! Me just met you…” Prophet. Bard. Poet.

It’s all fits of giggles from there, and dance moves you can actually perform in your office. CM’s crew picks up where Jimmy Fallon, the Roots, et al. left off with the kid instruments.

You’re welcome.

Compare the two versions: