Series premiere talkback: ‘The Flash’ – ‘Pilot’

I published my review of “The Flash” this morning. Now it's your turn. For those who tuned in tonight, what did you think? Did you like Grant Gustin as Barry? The costume? How did you feel about the special effects (especially as compared to when Gustin's TV dad John Wesley Shipp was the guy in the red suit)? Did Jesse Martin and Tom Cavanagh work as the authority figures? (And how did you feel about the concluding scene in Cavanagh's special room?) How about younger characters like Iris, Cisco and Caitlin? If you're a comic book fan, did you like the various references to Linda Park, Grodd, Professor Zoom and the Crisis, or was it too much for a single hour? And will you watch again?

Have at it. I suspect this will be one like “Arrow” that I only write about on occasion.