Programming note: Last days of summer vacation

It's the last days of summer, and that means I'm taking a much-needed week off to take care of home and family business before the post-Labor Day period brings with it the launch of approximately 8,000 new shows, plus the release of TV (THE BOOK).

In my absence, you'll see a few posts written pre-vacation – a You're the Worst season premiere review, a list of new fall shows I'm excited about (there are, surprisingly, a lot of them, especially compared to last year), and my review of Donald Glover's new FX show Atlanta (which debuts the day I return) – and my Twitter feed will be active with the TV (THE BOOK) trivia contest giveaway, but other things like the latest episode of Mr. Robot and any unexpected news will go unremarked upon.

Play nice, avoid the heat, and I'll see you next week for publication day!